Press release on glider crash of 27 September 2023 in Bihać

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The Commission for the investigation into the cause of the accident of the “Aleksander Schleicher” K8B glider, registration number E7-1126 that took place on 27 September 2023 in the village of Zavalje on the slopes of the Plješevica mountain near Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina, was appointed by the Decision of the Minister of Communications and Transport of Bosnia and Herzegovina and made the Final accident report that was published on the Ministry’s webpage.

The entire investigation procedure on the cause of the accident was conducted in line with the international standards and procedures (ICAO) and the applicable legislation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The glider accident occurred during a training flight in the area of the Plješevica mountain slopes. The flight was performed in the daytime according to Visual Flight Rules (VFR) and under the Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC). Following a successful take-off from the Golubić Aerodrome and reaching the planned altitude, it was detached from the towing plane and it continued its solo flight. After some 8 to 10km, the glider made a downward spiral above the village of Zavalje in an unplanned and unusual manner, uncontrollably hitting the ground after a few laps. The glider made the first ground contact with the tip of the left wing by an inclination close to 90 degrees to the horizon. The impact force killed the pilot and the glider was completely destroyed.

Based on conducted investigation, on-sight inspection, analysis of data collected on the registration, maintenance and the condition of the glider, training, experience and valid pilot’s licenses and medical certificate, as well as the conditions and organisation of flying at the “Golubić” Aerodrome on 27 September 2023, testimonies of eyewitnesses, medical expert autopsy report, as well as other evidence and information on the accident, the Commission in Final accident report drew the conclusion that the primary cause of the accident was as follows:

Loss of glider control, most probably due to pilot’s sudden loss of consciousness caused by a medical disorder, leading to glider’s uncontrolled left downward spiral fall.

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