Transport infrastructure, preparation and implementation of projects

About unit


  • Preparing laws and bylaws relating to roads, railways, ports and pipelines;
  • Preparing and participating in the development and implementation of policies, strategies and studies in the field of transport and transport infrastructure in parts related to transport infrastructure;
  • Cooperating with domestic and international institutions and organizations dealing with transport infrastructure;
  • Cooperating with international institutions and organisations of which Bosnia and Herzegovina is a member or aspiring member, and, when authorised, representing BiH;
  • Cooperating with other countries members of EU, CEI, Stability Pact, Adriatic-Ionian Initiative and other relevant associations concerning issues of transport infrastructure;
  • Coordinating activities in connections with construction of infrastructure facilities of international and inter-entity significance, with emphasis on Corridor Vc (Ploče-Sarajevo-Osijek-Budapest), which forms part of the Trans European Network (TEN);
  • Cooperating with competent authorities of neighbouring and other countries on projects of mutual interest;
  • Cooperating with relevant social and political entity and Brčko District authorities and institutions;
  • Preparing, implementing and coordinating implementation of reconstruction projects, reconstruction and construction of international and inter-entity communication networks with the related infrastructure, ensuring works, goods and services in connection with project implementation, in charge of project financial management according to established domestic law or donor/creditor rules, organising and conducting „task force meetings“ in terms of rebuilding, reconstruction and construction of transport sub-sectors, managing database on all projects.

Unit news

Forto and Amidžić signed the agreement: 8 million Euros ready for demining of Sava River

Minister of Communications and Transport of Bosnia and Herzegovina Edin Forto and Minister of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina Srđan Amidžić, have signed Subsidiary agreement that operationalize 8 million Euros for the demining of the right bank of Sava River.


With the World Bank into the construction of Šćepan Polje

"Modernization of existing and construction of new railway infrastructure is of great importance for improvement of our transport connectivity and economic development" said state Minister of Transport and Communications Edin Forto at the meeting with the Executive Director of World Bank Eugen Rhuggenaath during which they talked about priority infrastructure projects in the country.



Transport infrastructure, preparation and implementation of projects